I suppose I ought to throw a little info in here. I am currently working on a 3d board for one of my all time favorite board games. Graciously, Capree has offered to be my project-cohort in crime, and together we will create an epic playing field! The board's dimensions are roughly twice that of the original board, equivalent to roughly 4' x 6'. Built from mdf, insulation foam, and all sorts of love, I am super pumped about this.
It's already led to some highly enjoyable learning experiences: how to get 4'x8' foam home on the top of your subaru... not to mention why laughing while cutting foam with a hot wire cutter isn't the best idea. Repairs necessary.
More to come.
Your extreme enthusiasm for this game makes me very curious.
Sorry for forgetting to stalk you yesterday. That must have been disappointing.
Today my stalking consists of catching up on your blog.
The front of the box advertised that there was “over $50 worth of information!” Hmm, interesting claim for a board game to make. Upon opening the box, I discovered that the game consisted of several large cards with each divided into a grid with some sort of cryptic statement inside each grid square. As there were no instructions, I really couldn’t even comprehend how to play the game, but thought it seemed cool nonetheless.The two other games that really got me excited were Sorry! and Monopoly. I learned today that Sorry! is based on the game Parchisi, and I also discovered that the edition I was holding in my cotton-gloved hands was from 1938! I had no idea that Sorry! had been around for so long (since 1934), as it was one of my favorites growing up, and let’s be honest, I still love it. The board looked almost identical to the one I have at home which belonged to my mum when she was a child in the 1970s. The only significant difference I saw was that the older version used cards to draw numbers instead of rolling dice.
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