06 April 2007

I'm looking for a corpse, have you seen any around?

We had plans last night. I mean, we were going to sneak into an abandoned house again, to survey the damage of vandals (seeing as we're using it for our SH film). And I was trying to convince Will and Jackie to go, which was difficult because apparently breaking into an empty dark house isn't top of their list. I can't imagine why though, as Roosevelt once said,

"We have nothing to fear but possibly homicidal squatters who wanna cut us."

Alas, this exciting scheme was usurped by something else entirely: a trip to the spooky, fog enshrouded world of Silent Hill...

Sort of.

Actually, it was a trip to Noizy Hill, one of the funnier parodies of this game franchise I love so much. Perhaps it is so funny because there is so much anxiety attached these scenes. When you play the game you are consistently moved into a deeper and more twisted storyline, that continually makes you wonder, "What the hell is wrong with these people?" or " Why in god's name am I doing this?" or even simply, "WTF?" There is tension and angst and scares galore. I can't play these games alone, because if I do, there's no one to throw the control at and demand they play through the next horrifying level. Silent Hill is a stress-inducing descent into fear. And there's nothing like have our terror made fun of.

I encourage you to watch these videos. But! I encourage you to watch them only after having played the games or most of the humor will be lost on you, not to mention there are spoilers galore. We laughed ourselves into hysterics and I praise the youtuber who came up with this concept. The audio isn't perfect, but the amusement factor certainly is.

Here is one of my favorite moments (of the many pieces its broken up into):

See more at:
Noisy Hill

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