19 January 2009


Well, it's my favorite time of year again. Or for the moment. At least, until other favorite times of year show up. Ah yes, that magical ten days of freezing cold, pretentious wannabe art snobs, affluent assholes who desperately want to be "seen," celebrity gawkers (suck it, EW), and of course, films.

What? They show movies at Sundance? I thought it was a big excuse to see famous people (and people who mistakenly think they're famous people) wandering the snowy streets of a random ski town in Utah. And lots of alcohol-infused parties.

It is, of course, all these things and more. But to be completely honest, the celebrity access buzz that common folk hunger for drives me absolutely batty. Whenever I tell coworkers or acquaintances I attended, the intial question out-of-the-gate is, "Who did you see?" How about what did I see? Honestly, its a film festival, but locals seem to forget that in the glamor of actors and actresses private jetting their way to Mo-mo land and demanding free snowboarding equipment.

Now I also realize that Sundance is hardly as independent as many festivals these days, having slipped more into the commercial realm with each passing year. But that said, it does provide many cinematic experiences which aren't the traditional Hollywood formula, and for that I am grateful. We don't get a huge amount of independent flicks here in Utah, though God knows the Salt Lake Film Society tries (credit where it is due and all that). Having a festival like Sundance available to those interested in film in this cultural wasteland is an unquestionable boon. It is consistently a fun grab bag of quality, experimentation, and non-traditional narratives and documentaries which just make my pulse quicken in excitement.

Film festivals and independent films are film as it should exist - without giant studios standing over the artist demanding the addition of a fuzzy lovable animal, as research has indicated it will improve marketability by 3%. The majority are movies that are made out of the love for film and its power to be art and express ideas or points of views that are part of the human condition. This is why Sundance is one of my favorite times of year.

As such, I would never want to read all 2 faithful readers of this blog out in the cold Park City air, and will report briefly on each film I see. I'm already behind, having seen three with more on the way, so I will try to catch up today. In the meantime re-arrange your schedule and plan to attend next year.


Lisa said...

Hmm, my friends all ask what I saw . . . that's odd. . . . While that's generally true, my roommate Shannon had no clue what Sundance was, so - yeah. I don't win.

I'll post pics on Picasa.

Shannon said...

Mo-mo land?

Jiles The Great said...

SIGH. SO BUMMED we're not going...stupid not having money and shit, I hate it. Next year though, we are all over this bad boy. I hope you see some awesome films, although maybe you should try to avoid the gay zombie porn ok?

kajsia mccoy said...

Petey i have to tell you the truth- You new background it a little hard on the eyes. But you are cool. and i am waiting for the reviews.