Usually these contain all the KB Toys cast offs that didn't sell back in 1995 and certainly aren't going to sell now. This particular incarnation, however, contained all the Chinese junk toys a person (albeit a person with little money or little taste) could ever desire. Because these toys are cheap, in ever sense of the word.
In the quest to keep these beauties low cost, much has been sacrificed - most noticeably a bilingual marketing team. Which is why I couldn't resist this plethora of Chinese-to-English-Dictionary merchandising.
Who doesn't love a Handpick Playset? My only question is where/what a Ferity is? Is it near the Caribbean?
Whatever you do, dear god provide against the children!
Pretty sure this sends the right message to kids about law enforcement.
And my personal favorite. Both the description of this toy truck and the truck itself are priceless.
So children, in conclusion buy Chinese. It's a cheap laugh. And you might die from the paint.