21 December 2008

Konicted to his kanooder

Sunday dinner is always a good time at my parents house. Truth be told it's kinda daunting to outsiders since it is mainly spent with all of us being funny at the expense of everyone else. This meal however was spent with colin and I using our iPhones through the whole meal. This phone has the power to change you in ways you've never dreamed of. Mostly a loss of friends and vision as you stare for countless hours at a small but beautiful screen.

It's worth the sacrifice.

Oh, and the post title comes from my mother's less than eloquent yelling at us for ignoring human contact.


Jiles The Great said...

I miss your family. But I'm glad you guys had fun driving them crazy with your iPhones. :-)

Carla said...

ha ha i love family dinners where we all just make fun of eachother... and during the holidays we watch home videos and mock eachother mercilessly