14 November 2008

What the hell is wrong with you people?

Do I just sound angry in all of these blogs? I guess that's what inspires me to write. I could probably start an entire blog, updated hourly, with things that annoy me. Someone else out there probably already has though. Alas. Maybe I should post some happier tidings. That's it, from now on (or at least today), I will try to counter balance my irritation with something positive that exists in the world. That's an easy enough concession.

Today's Annoyance: Next door neighbors in your apt complex, who are nice, but decide to hang pictures on the wall they share with your bedroom. At 8:00 in the morning, when you're pretty sure you wanted to sleep in.

Who hangs pictures at 8:00 in the morning! And she must have been doing a serious collage because it went on for 40 minutes!! They're nice, don't get me wrong,  but there's part of me that thinks I need to hang some pictures too, at 2:00 am.

We have weird neighbors, for the record, on all sides. There's the new couple upstairs with a dog who are frightfully unfriendly. Or our downstairs neighbor, an older lady who will talk to you until you're emaciated and near death, should you stop for a split second to listen. Our other upstairs neighbors we occasionally hang out with, although then I get the pleasant task of cleaning up the vomit she passed out in when the drink flows a little too liberally...

My favorites are the other girls that live below us, who never leave their house except to work. And they have to work. How else can they afford the constant stream of Target and Amazon boxes that arrive at their house? I'm not joking either; every single day there is a new stack of 5-6 boxes dropped on their doorstep. Where do they put it all? I imagine maybe it's clothing, but truthfully, have no idea what they could still be ordering at this point.  Perhaps they just ask for one of everything.

And now you know about our neighbors. Won't you be my neighbor?


As a child, I think I was too innocent to notice how creepy King Friday is. Just as a thought.

Okay. Enough negativity.  Now for a positive aspect of our world...

Frozen Margaritas!


A universe that came up with these can't be all bad, right? And even if it is, just load yourself up on these babies and you won't have to think about it.


Carla said...

after a freakin' long hiatus... welcome back to the blogging world. I miss you!

Em said...

Ah Drew, if your blog didn't reek of cynicism and anger you wouldn't be who you are and I wouldn't adore you like I do. Someday we should be friends again. And for the record I was always creeped out by King Friday. Always.

Rachel said...

It's amazing that I just read this post as I'm trying to control myself from unleashing on my neighbors who LOVE loud rap music, screaming and pounding so hard on the floor I'm waiting for them to come crashing through. (Oh, wait, they overflowed their bathtub so many times that our ceiling did crash in three times this year. . .so I guess they have already come crashing though.) I can't wait until June when we will no longer share walls with anyone. I can't take listening to other people's noise. It makes me really angry.

Phew. That was long. I'm not very happy with our neighbors. I keep hoping they'll get evicted. I know, that's not very neighborly but it would be like Christmas if they moved out.

Lisa said...

Someone thinks your name is Drew. Is that awkward? Hopefully it's just an inside joke I don't get.

I am this close to writing an extremely accurate and really hurtful article involving ample history lessons and quoting of scripture. I read a NYT article about - something - and had to keep stopping reading so I could pace around and glare at things.

Instead, I am going to bed. I may write it and just send it to you, though. After I do all my homework.