30 March 2010

If I Could Travel Through Time...

I'd probably go see this.

Okay, it's nerd-gasmic. But probably only to me. It's also a little gay. And you wonder why I'm bitter I didn't get to attend the Torchwood/Doctor Who panels at Comic Con. Sigh.


Jiles The Great said...

Um, maybe I shouldn't be admitting this, lest I be the biggest nerd ever...but I've totally seen this video and possibly all the other David Tennant and John Borrowman ones on YouTube.

Dr. Jason said...

This vid is EPIC!!!

On a related WHO-topic, what do you make of this new chap? Seems a bit odd.

Petey said...

I'm a skeptic, I'm afraid. Granted, they proved me wrong with some of the other characters I'd sworn to hate, but... I mean David Tennant is The Doctor for me anymore.

It'll be rough, but I'll make it. And may even really like him. Who can say?

Cajsa said...

omg david tennant is so hot :)

(signed, the teenage girl inside cajsa)

Em said...


if only i knew who they are or what the show is.

instead let me just say how annoying word verification is.